Been a minute since I wrote, so let gets down to business. During the past 3 weeks I have had a super hard week, then a recovery week (which I learned all about), and back to gearing up on time and mileage week. As training continues and you start increasing your workouts it is imperative to take a recovery week. The recovery week consist of less time but the workouts you do are intense and more of time trials to see where you stand. Also during recovery, your body has time heal and sometimes that means getting sick. That is what happened to me. During my recovery week, week 8, I got sick and went threw a couple bad days. I find it funny when I get sick that anyone I talk to has a cure for it. I heard everything from vitamins, to take shots of Jack Daniels and go for a run and sweat it out, to put Vicks vapor rub on your feet and put on socks. For me though when I am sick I will do anything to get better... so I did it all plus Sudafed and Zycam. I am not sure if it helped me feel better any quicker but the cold ran its course in 3 days.
During week 7 I had an interesting experience. I had just got back from swimming at the gym and I came home to run another 40 minutes. I was not feeling up to it, but it is those times when I know that I have to push myself because training is not supposed to be easy. Anyway I laced up my sneakers and left with the idea that I would run to pick up cash for a poker game that would be going on at my place when I got back. So I ran a route that I never run. I was on Fountain and Crescent Heights and was planning on running up to Sunset when I looked across the street and saw an old man on his hands and knees and his walker was a couple feet from him. I ran up to him and asked if he was ok and needed a hand and noticed that his hands had blood on them. I asked if he was having chest pain and tried to figure out if the situation was more serious than just a fall. He looked up at me with bloodshot eyes and said no and that he just fell and couldn't get up, just like the commercial. So I got behind him and picked his up. He held on to my soldier while I got his walker and I asked him if he knew where he was going. He seemed very confused and started going through all his pockets and a hidden fanny pack hanging from his neck and then pulled out a card that was from a senior assisted living home. It was clear to me at that point that he was suffering from Alzheimer's. He was at least 2.5 miles from where he needed to be. I then explained to him where he was and where he was supposed to go. He yelled at me and told me he knew where he was, then I explained that he was not where he thought he was and that if he wanted I would walk with him and get him home. So we started our trek down to Santa Monica blvd and I started asking him questions. His name was Alan and he had just moved down from San Bernadino. I asked if he had family and he told me that he did not and that he wished he did. The whole time we were walking he would say, "You mean I am still 2 miles away..... SHIT. SHIT. SHIT. How did I do that?????" I asked if he had a long day and he told me that he got up at 5am and went to his lawyers office via the bus and had a meeting. I looked down at my watch and it was 8:20pm. I told him not to worry, we would not walk the whole way. My plan was to go to the bank at the corner and get money to put him in a cab. We walked to an Exxon station on Santa Monica blvd.. I had him wait there while ran across the street to get money. When I got back he was in the same place and kept saying ,"SHIT how did I get there??? Isn't my building right down the street?" I kept telling him not to worry he would be home in no time. I then went and asked the gas station attendant if I could use his cell phone to call a taxi and I explained my situation. He told me NO!!! I was floored. So, I asked some of the 2 other sets of people pumping gas and told them the story and pointed to Alan. They said NO I couldn't use their phone. Are you fucking serious!!!!! I was so pissed. I asked them if they had never heard in Karma. I was dressed in a running cap and short and a long sleeve shirt. Do you really think I am hear to rob you or steal your cell phone? They both just got in there car and drove off. I went back to Alan and he asked me where the cab was and I told him not to worry I was going to flag one down. He looked and me and said, "Well if I can wait you can wait." This immediately made me laugh and I told him he was right and I was not planning on leaving him. Now tracking down a cab in LA is much harder than in other major cities, even on Santa Monica Blvd. I was looking down the road trying to spot one so I could walk out in the road and stop it not realizing that Alan was mimicking everything I was doing. As I walked into the road, Alan was right behind me walking into the road. I turned around and had to tell him to stay up on the sidewalk as cars were honking at him for being in the road. He just looked at me and said, "SHIT SHIT SHIT." I finally got a cab and gave the cabbie $20 and told him the address to take Alan and made him promise he would make sure Alan got in the building. The cabbie said Thank you for the huge tip and assured me Alan would be fine. I told Alan "Merry Christmas!" and shut the door. The cab drove off and I ran as fast as I could home to look up the address and telephone number of the assisted living home where Alan was staying. I found the number and called them to tell them the story. The lady told me that Alan had made it safely and that he indeed had been gone since 5 am. They were waiting to call the police because in LA you cannot call and report missing people until they have been gone for 24 hours. I think that is ridiculous especially for senior citizens. Anyway, I had a long talk with the nurse and she said that Alan was already in bed and asleep. I am now planning on dropping off a Christmas blanket to him tomorrow and saying hello before I leave for the holidays. I knew there was a reason I went running that night.
On to my schedule.
Week 6
Monday- 20 minutes on the bike trainer and then ran to bootcamp for arms and abs day.
Tuesday- Swim practice with the team. The practice was intense and I definitely felt the holiday break I took. Can't do that anymore.
Wednesday- Rode my bike for 1 hour and 40 minutes.
Thursday- Ran around Beverly Hills for 42 minutes and then went to the pool to swim for 1 hour.
Friday- Day of Rest
Saturday- 2 hour bike in Griffith Park with the team. Great ride. There is 1 hill there that is killer. I rode it 3 times to try to push it, but I think it pushed me.
Sunday- Went for a 1 hour run in the morning. That night I went to the pool for a speed and strength session. It consisted mostly of short sprints.
Week 7
Monday- Barry's Bootcamp arms and abs and cardio in the AM. That night I did 40 minutes on the bike trainer.
Tuesday- Morning I ran from the gym to the top of Runyon Canyon and back without stopping. That night was swim practice with the team. Spent on hour in the pool and increased our distance.
Wednesday- On the bike for 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Thursday- Swam that night then came home and ran. This is the "Alan Night." (above story)
Friday-Rest day
Saturday- 2 hour and 30 minute bike ride in Malibu. It was beautiful. I covered 47 miles. That night I twisted my ankle running after my buddy Dan after the John Mayer concert.... which was incredible.
Sunday- The flu has struck me with vengeance and my ankle is twisted. Boo.
Week 8- recovery week and time trials. Yeah, you read write.
Monday- Rest and sick day.
Tuesday- Still sick, but went to swim practice in the outdoor pool in 54 degree weather. I only finished half the workout because of the flu. Not my smartest decision.
Wednesday- Rest and sick
Thursday- Swim and Time trial. I logged 7:22 and 7:28 per 400 yds. I am getting better.
Friday- Time Trial run. 5 miles in 40 minutes. 8 minute mile. I am faster than that, but was not pacing myself correctly.
Saturday- Did not make it to Long Beach with the team but completed the workout. It was a brick workout meaning do 1 workout and transition into another with no real stop. I biked for 1 hour and 30 minutes then put on my shoes and ran for 20 minutes. Felt good.
Sunday- Swim TT. 1k straight swim in 20:04. The swim was easier than I thought, but very boring.
I am now going home for the holidays. I will be in Indiana for Christmas and Michigan for New Years. I am looking forward to training in the snow. Should be exciting.
Merry Christmas Alan.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Week 4 and 5- Lots to be thankful for
Holiday times are very interesting and a great excuse to not push yourself. Although at the time it sounds great I am sure it will inevitably hurt me in the end. Plus having changed my race my mind set changed just a little. Anyway here is what I did during Week 4.
Monday- Went to the gym in the morning and rode the bike for 40 minutes. Felt good.
Monday night I went to Barry's Bootcamp. They do not call themselves "The Best Workout In The World" for nothing. We did 30 minutes of treadmill most of it on steep inclines, which I am great at cardio but this is tough when you push yourself not to ever walk. Followed by 30 minutes of Arm workouts and abdominals. I always feel this class the next day.... which is why I go.
Tuesday- I ran on the treadmill for 40 minutes (5 miles). I really dislike the treadmill. The whole time I was on it I wished I was outside.
Tuesday night- I had swim practice with TNT. I am feeling more confident every time I get in "The Drink." ( A new term I picked up for the pool. Yeah... That's what real swimmers call it apparently.) Coach Paul and Rad are definitely helping me with my form. It is amazing how the littlest adjustments in the pool can help you feel more comfortable. I swam over 2000 yds.
Wednesday- I bought a bike trainer so I can ride my bike in my living room. Tonight was the first time on it. It is different but I could get used to it. I rode for 1 hr. and 30 min while watching the movie "Waiting" with Ryan Reynolds and Justin Long. Very funny movie and it helped me not think about riding my bike in my living room.
Thursday- I ran from my gym on Sunset up to the top of Runyon Canyon, Big Dog Park in LA, up to the top of Mullholland Dr. The top of Mullholland is breathtaking on a clear day. You can see all of LA and you are super close to the HOLLYWOOD sign. I ran back down to my gym and that took me 50 minutes. I was happy because I only stopped 2 times, 1 minute each time, to catch my wind. I felt great.
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, I rested. Yep I took a break.
WEEK 5- Thanksgiving week.
Monday- I did Barry's Bootcamp again. Sooo good.
Tuesday- I ran from the Gym, up Runyon Canyon, to the top of Mullholland and back without stopping! BOO YA!
Tuesday night was swim practice with TNT. I am actually really starting to enjoy it. I am noticing a difference in how I swim and it is getting easier.
Wednesday- I got out of work early for the Holiday and I went straight to the gym for a chest workout. I stayed at the gym for 40 minutes and tried to burn out most of the muscles. Then I went straight home and hopped on my bike that was set up in the living room. I biked for 1 hr and 30 minutes and watched reruns of "The Ultimate Fighter" on Spike. Those guys are animals. Still felt great.
Thursday- THANKSGIVING!!! I went and volunteered all morning at the Santa Monica Civic Center. My job was turkey carving. It was amazing all the people there volunteering and all the homeless or less fortunate that showed up. We must have fed over 1000 people. They had everything there for the people. There were doctors, optometrist, hair stylist, people donating clothes and toys. It was truly amazing. My favorite part of the experience was the group prayer. Before the doors open to the public all of the volunteers, 300 approximately, made a circle big enough to outline the entire civic center and join hands and say a prayer. It is quite remarkable to feel that kind of power in a room.
Still after I was done with that I went home and changed and went back to Runyon Canyon to run. I ran the entire way to the top of Mullholland without stopping. When I got to the top I stopped and took some moments to thank God for all I have in life and all I had learned throughout the year. It was great. I then ran down the canyon and went home. I got home showered changed and waited for my sister Mary to come over. That night we had dinner with my great neighbors Rachel and Joel. The food was amazing!! Kudos to them. It was a great day.
Friday- I was hopped up early and went for a easy run around Beverly Hills and Sunset Blvd. I ran for 45 minutes.
Saturday and Sunday- I went to Santa Barbara with Dan and Stephanie and Mr and Mrs. "D". It was a perfect and relaxing weekend. It was nice to get out of LA.
One Holiday down and the Christmas season is rapidly approaching. So let's crank up the Christmas Tunes and rock the days away.
Monday- Went to the gym in the morning and rode the bike for 40 minutes. Felt good.
Monday night I went to Barry's Bootcamp. They do not call themselves "The Best Workout In The World" for nothing. We did 30 minutes of treadmill most of it on steep inclines, which I am great at cardio but this is tough when you push yourself not to ever walk. Followed by 30 minutes of Arm workouts and abdominals. I always feel this class the next day.... which is why I go.
Tuesday- I ran on the treadmill for 40 minutes (5 miles). I really dislike the treadmill. The whole time I was on it I wished I was outside.
Tuesday night- I had swim practice with TNT. I am feeling more confident every time I get in "The Drink." ( A new term I picked up for the pool. Yeah... That's what real swimmers call it apparently.) Coach Paul and Rad are definitely helping me with my form. It is amazing how the littlest adjustments in the pool can help you feel more comfortable. I swam over 2000 yds.
Wednesday- I bought a bike trainer so I can ride my bike in my living room. Tonight was the first time on it. It is different but I could get used to it. I rode for 1 hr. and 30 min while watching the movie "Waiting" with Ryan Reynolds and Justin Long. Very funny movie and it helped me not think about riding my bike in my living room.
Thursday- I ran from my gym on Sunset up to the top of Runyon Canyon, Big Dog Park in LA, up to the top of Mullholland Dr. The top of Mullholland is breathtaking on a clear day. You can see all of LA and you are super close to the HOLLYWOOD sign. I ran back down to my gym and that took me 50 minutes. I was happy because I only stopped 2 times, 1 minute each time, to catch my wind. I felt great.
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, I rested. Yep I took a break.
WEEK 5- Thanksgiving week.
Monday- I did Barry's Bootcamp again. Sooo good.
Tuesday- I ran from the Gym, up Runyon Canyon, to the top of Mullholland and back without stopping! BOO YA!
Tuesday night was swim practice with TNT. I am actually really starting to enjoy it. I am noticing a difference in how I swim and it is getting easier.
Wednesday- I got out of work early for the Holiday and I went straight to the gym for a chest workout. I stayed at the gym for 40 minutes and tried to burn out most of the muscles. Then I went straight home and hopped on my bike that was set up in the living room. I biked for 1 hr and 30 minutes and watched reruns of "The Ultimate Fighter" on Spike. Those guys are animals. Still felt great.
Thursday- THANKSGIVING!!! I went and volunteered all morning at the Santa Monica Civic Center. My job was turkey carving. It was amazing all the people there volunteering and all the homeless or less fortunate that showed up. We must have fed over 1000 people. They had everything there for the people. There were doctors, optometrist, hair stylist, people donating clothes and toys. It was truly amazing. My favorite part of the experience was the group prayer. Before the doors open to the public all of the volunteers, 300 approximately, made a circle big enough to outline the entire civic center and join hands and say a prayer. It is quite remarkable to feel that kind of power in a room.
Still after I was done with that I went home and changed and went back to Runyon Canyon to run. I ran the entire way to the top of Mullholland without stopping. When I got to the top I stopped and took some moments to thank God for all I have in life and all I had learned throughout the year. It was great. I then ran down the canyon and went home. I got home showered changed and waited for my sister Mary to come over. That night we had dinner with my great neighbors Rachel and Joel. The food was amazing!! Kudos to them. It was a great day.
Friday- I was hopped up early and went for a easy run around Beverly Hills and Sunset Blvd. I ran for 45 minutes.
Saturday and Sunday- I went to Santa Barbara with Dan and Stephanie and Mr and Mrs. "D". It was a perfect and relaxing weekend. It was nice to get out of LA.
One Holiday down and the Christmas season is rapidly approaching. So let's crank up the Christmas Tunes and rock the days away.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Yo! First things first. I have decided to change the race I am training for. When I first signed up for Team In Training they had advertised that we would train for the Cour De Lene, ID IRONMAN, but when I got to the info meeting they had to change the race to the VINEMAN in northern CA. I was still stoked to train for an event of the same distance. After thinking about it and doing some research I discovered that VINEMAN is not apart of the IRONMAN sanctioned races. VINEMAN does have 1 sanctioned 70.3 IRONMAN, but it is not a full course. (70.3 is half the distance of a full IRONMAN.) SO, after putting some heavy thought and research in it I decided if I am going to do this I want to finish the race and say I am a IRONMAN... not a VINEMAN. I am now officially registered to do the Louisville, KY IRONMAN on August 31, 2008. I will still be training with Team In Training and raising money for the cause. The race is only 3 weeks after the VINEMAN so I will participate in all TNT events and hopefully travel with the Team to VINEMAN to cheer them on. I am very excited about the location change because Louisville is closer to my family who has yet to see me in any endurance race and this is huge for me.
Now on to last weeks training:
Monday: I rested..... everyone needs a break.
Tuesday: I ran 5 miles in the morning. My back was a little sore, but all in all good. Night time was swim training with the team. We continued on with the drills and as hard as it was I feel like I am definitely improving. We swam for on hour. 2000 yds.
Wednesday: What a day. I got up and Biked for an hour in W. Hollywood and Beverly Hills. Not a smart decision. To many stops. I got cut off by a 10 year old on a skate board and did not have time to unclip from my pedals and fell and skinned my knees. Who skins there knees anymore????? ME! At that point I decided it was time to cut the ride short and ride back to my apartment.... bloody knees and all. I then went to my gym, LA FITNESS, and finished my ride on a stationary bike. That night I went out and bought a trainer so I can ride my bike in my living room and watch recorded episodes of Law and Order.
Thursday: Thursday night I went to my gym and swam for an hour. 2000 yds. More drills and a lot of regular swimming just focusing on form and breathing. Then I went out to dinner with Heath. Shabu Shabu and Jumbo's Clown Room. Classic.
Friday: Barry's Bootcamp in the morning. 30 minutes on the treadmill and 30 minutes of abs. AWESOME WORKOUT!
Saturday: Team Training day in Santa Monica. The morning focused on tire changes and how to do them... quick. Then we biked the San Vicente loop, 7.5 miles, 4 times with 1 pee tire change break. So 30 miles in 2 hours. Team day is fun and there a lot of great people! I officially met my TNT mentor Karen. She rules.
Sunday: Sunday was a long rough day. I went out Saturday night to see UPSTART and Dan D was up from Long Beach. Needless to say when that Long Beach crew it means great times and rough mornings. I got up at 8 after staying up till 2, maybe 3, and tried to hydrate myself. I then took off for my run at 9:30. I ran for 1 hr and 10 minutes. I put a little over 8 miles. I was hurting. I went home and had toast and peanut butter, fell asleep on the couch watching football, then got up and went to the gym to swim. I got there and swam for 30 minutes and was so tired and weak..... then I remembered I had not ate anything but toast. Not smart. It was this night that I realized I need to start eating a lot better and a lot more of the right foods. I am doing my best now, but it is tough.
Till next week. SMILE!
Louisville or Bust.
Now on to last weeks training:
Monday: I rested..... everyone needs a break.
Tuesday: I ran 5 miles in the morning. My back was a little sore, but all in all good. Night time was swim training with the team. We continued on with the drills and as hard as it was I feel like I am definitely improving. We swam for on hour. 2000 yds.
Wednesday: What a day. I got up and Biked for an hour in W. Hollywood and Beverly Hills. Not a smart decision. To many stops. I got cut off by a 10 year old on a skate board and did not have time to unclip from my pedals and fell and skinned my knees. Who skins there knees anymore????? ME! At that point I decided it was time to cut the ride short and ride back to my apartment.... bloody knees and all. I then went to my gym, LA FITNESS, and finished my ride on a stationary bike. That night I went out and bought a trainer so I can ride my bike in my living room and watch recorded episodes of Law and Order.
Thursday: Thursday night I went to my gym and swam for an hour. 2000 yds. More drills and a lot of regular swimming just focusing on form and breathing. Then I went out to dinner with Heath. Shabu Shabu and Jumbo's Clown Room. Classic.
Friday: Barry's Bootcamp in the morning. 30 minutes on the treadmill and 30 minutes of abs. AWESOME WORKOUT!
Saturday: Team Training day in Santa Monica. The morning focused on tire changes and how to do them... quick. Then we biked the San Vicente loop, 7.5 miles, 4 times with 1 pee tire change break. So 30 miles in 2 hours. Team day is fun and there a lot of great people! I officially met my TNT mentor Karen. She rules.
Sunday: Sunday was a long rough day. I went out Saturday night to see UPSTART and Dan D was up from Long Beach. Needless to say when that Long Beach crew it means great times and rough mornings. I got up at 8 after staying up till 2, maybe 3, and tried to hydrate myself. I then took off for my run at 9:30. I ran for 1 hr and 10 minutes. I put a little over 8 miles. I was hurting. I went home and had toast and peanut butter, fell asleep on the couch watching football, then got up and went to the gym to swim. I got there and swam for 30 minutes and was so tired and weak..... then I remembered I had not ate anything but toast. Not smart. It was this night that I realized I need to start eating a lot better and a lot more of the right foods. I am doing my best now, but it is tough.
Till next week. SMILE!
Louisville or Bust.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Week 2- Swimming?
I have completed my second week of training. I trained 6 days last week. Once again, my schedule only said 5 days but I really enjoy boot camp. That being said I do not know how much longer I can keep it up. My biggest and hardest thing this week was the increase in swimming. Swimming is definitely not as easy as I remember when I swam in my backyard or at the YMCA. This week started with swimming which was fine, but then I had Team Training in the pool on Tuesday. We worked a lot on form and did a lot of drills that I was not used to. There is one drill that we do leg kicks on our side with one arm stretched out in front and you never use your arms.(confused? me too) I was not used to this drill and had to look like a wounded duck doing it because that is the way I felt. The coach then made me do it over and over and over. After that session I got out of the pool feeling slightly loopy. When I went to put on sweatpants both of my calf's began cramping declaring a challenge to put on bottoms...... I won. The rest of the week seemed easy compared to that moment. Wednesday I put in an hour and 17.5 miles on the bike. Thursday another 40 minutes of swimming. Friday was a day of rest. Saturday was super cold and foggy and we had a team bike ride around Griffith Park. Luckily the sun started to come out around 9:30. Griffith Park is really beautiful and there are so many people there training for different events. That was really cool to see. Sunday rounded out the week with an hour run. I did my run on a route that takes me from my place through Beverly Hills, up to the Beverly Hotel on Sunset, Past the Sunset Strip, and back to my place. Not a bad course....
I feel great and energized. Next week looks to get more intense with some days of double training.
I feel great and energized. Next week looks to get more intense with some days of double training.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Team in Training Donation letter
Dear Family and Friends-
Let's face it: I've gone nuts.
I mean, what sane person would decide to get up off the couch and go do a IRONMAN? And not just an IRONMAN, but the VINEMAN: a 2.4 mile swim in, then a hilly 112 mile bike ride, and then a marathon (26.2 mile run) in the blazing sun. Pros find this race challenging, for Pete's sake. What kind of guy decides, "Hey, this all sounds like a hoot?”
Well, yours truly, for one. I've joined with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Team In Training program. I have committed to raising $8000 and doing this IRONMAN. In return, Team In Training will coach me and my teammates and give us the support we need to meet our race goal. Now I need your support to meet my fundraising goal.
To date, members of Team In Training raised over $680 million dollars for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society in its fight against leukemia, Hodgkin's Disease, lymphoma, and myeloma. These diseases affect blood-forming tissues like the spleen, lymph nodes and bone marrow, and cause them to produce abnormal blood cells, preventing the production of normal cells. An estimated 100,000 Americans are diagnosed with one of these blood-related cancers, and every week 1,100 of them die. Leukemia is the number one killing disease in children, and it affects 10 times as many adults.
I’ve decided to take on this challenge for numerous reasons. Simply stated, I want to make a difference. Then of course there is the physical challenge of completing an IRONMAN, and most importantly I am doing this in honor of some very special people: My brother, John Daniel Leist, who passed away after fighting Leukemia for 18 months and Mr. Richard Shumsky, father of my very dear friend. Mr. Shumsky is battling leukemia and is continuing to fight. (GO, MR. SHUMSKY!) Plus, all others who have fought and continue to fight this horrible disease. This is for you.
75% of my pledged amount of $8,000 goes directly to research. All donations are 100% tax deductible, and our tax ID is 13-5644916. Feel free to pass this along to your friends & family. Also check to see if your company has a matching gifts program, it’s an easy way to double your donation!
If you would like to donate online please go to my donation web page at:
I will also be keeping a blog that will document my training and thoughts at:
Rowdy cheers, band aids, ice packs and chicken burritos (no beans) are just as welcome and appreciated.
Let's face it: I've gone nuts.
I mean, what sane person would decide to get up off the couch and go do a IRONMAN? And not just an IRONMAN, but the VINEMAN: a 2.4 mile swim in, then a hilly 112 mile bike ride, and then a marathon (26.2 mile run) in the blazing sun. Pros find this race challenging, for Pete's sake. What kind of guy decides, "Hey, this all sounds like a hoot?”
Well, yours truly, for one. I've joined with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Team In Training program. I have committed to raising $8000 and doing this IRONMAN. In return, Team In Training will coach me and my teammates and give us the support we need to meet our race goal. Now I need your support to meet my fundraising goal.
To date, members of Team In Training raised over $680 million dollars for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society in its fight against leukemia, Hodgkin's Disease, lymphoma, and myeloma. These diseases affect blood-forming tissues like the spleen, lymph nodes and bone marrow, and cause them to produce abnormal blood cells, preventing the production of normal cells. An estimated 100,000 Americans are diagnosed with one of these blood-related cancers, and every week 1,100 of them die. Leukemia is the number one killing disease in children, and it affects 10 times as many adults.
I’ve decided to take on this challenge for numerous reasons. Simply stated, I want to make a difference. Then of course there is the physical challenge of completing an IRONMAN, and most importantly I am doing this in honor of some very special people: My brother, John Daniel Leist, who passed away after fighting Leukemia for 18 months and Mr. Richard Shumsky, father of my very dear friend. Mr. Shumsky is battling leukemia and is continuing to fight. (GO, MR. SHUMSKY!) Plus, all others who have fought and continue to fight this horrible disease. This is for you.
75% of my pledged amount of $8,000 goes directly to research. All donations are 100% tax deductible, and our tax ID is 13-5644916. Feel free to pass this along to your friends & family. Also check to see if your company has a matching gifts program, it’s an easy way to double your donation!
If you would like to donate online please go to my donation web page at:
I will also be keeping a blog that will document my training and thoughts at:
Rowdy cheers, band aids, ice packs and chicken burritos (no beans) are just as welcome and appreciated.
Week 1 Ironman Training
So I have officially committed my time, body, and mind to doing the Ironman. I am actually doing a race called Vineman. The race takes place August 2, 2008. The thought of having this long to train is both exciting and daunting. I have never trained for 10 months for anything I have ever competed in. Granted, I have never trained for an event that makes you swim 2.4 miles, bike 112 miles, then run a marathon (26.2 miles) back to back to back. I am training with Team in Training and raising money for Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. I have committed myself to raise $8,000. I believe that both physically and financially I will complete this goal with flying colors.
I have a coach and teamates through Team in Training who not only provide me with a schedule, but keep me focused on the job at hand. For my first week of training it has been fairly light. According to my training schedule Mondays and Fridays are my off days, but I am fairly crazy so I go to bootcamp on one of my off days. So Monday was bootcamp, Tuesday was light jog where I ran 6 miles, Wednesday was an hours bike ride where I rode 16.5 miles, Thursday was a coached swim practice, Friday I rested, Saturday I ran a 5k and ran after the race then hit the Gym, Sunday was a swim day.
So far I feel like a million dollars and am looking forward to the future months.
Feel free to comment.
I have a coach and teamates through Team in Training who not only provide me with a schedule, but keep me focused on the job at hand. For my first week of training it has been fairly light. According to my training schedule Mondays and Fridays are my off days, but I am fairly crazy so I go to bootcamp on one of my off days. So Monday was bootcamp, Tuesday was light jog where I ran 6 miles, Wednesday was an hours bike ride where I rode 16.5 miles, Thursday was a coached swim practice, Friday I rested, Saturday I ran a 5k and ran after the race then hit the Gym, Sunday was a swim day.
So far I feel like a million dollars and am looking forward to the future months.
Feel free to comment.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
My Asics Shoe Review
Since the Summer of June 2005 I have been committed to one brand of running shoe, ASICS. Before this I had always run in Nikes. I ran in Nikes because I was sucked into there marketing campaigns and how I thought running shoes should feel. I was way off. I met an Asics representative, Bill Logee, at a friends backyard BBQ summer party and he had heard that I had just completed LA marathon 05 and knew that I was planning on running 2 more that year. He asked me what brand of shoe I wear and I told him Nike. He asked if I would be willing to try Asics if he sent me a free pair and I told him I will try anything if it is free. I received 2 free pairs of shoes, GT-2100, and some Asics gear within the month. From the first time I ran in them I knew that I would be a Asics runner for life. The first time I did my long run in Asics I figured out what real running shoes should feel like.
This brings me to my review of three Asics shoes out on the market now.
1. Asics GT-2120- I was hoping that the 2120 would be the same as the 2100 that I had fallen in love with, but I never got quite comfortable in them. I do not know if they were exactly built for my foot. I liked them enough to buy 2 pair and run through both of them. I think the shoe is great for someone who pronates and values stability over cushion. It seems to me that the shoe is built for the more common runner. I would run between 35-50 miles a week and found that the soles held up wonderfully, but the stitching at the base of the shoe was not strong enough for the pounding it was taking. I do not consider myself to have a wide foot nor do the shoe salespeople at the store, but this shoe made me feel I did. Also the midsole was made different than the 2100 I had grown so used to. I think this shoe is great for the casual runner or walker who is just starting to find their running style or they want something for running errands.
2. Asics Kayano- The shoe seems built for stability and people who pronate. There is extra cushion in the soul which I love. To me cushion is key. Still the shoes does not have as much cushion as I would like. I like to feel the bounce in the heel when I run and not feel after 15 miles that I am running on straight cement. The fabric around the balls of the feet is stronger than the 2120's which prevents tears. The shoe has a nice widebase which make it great if you ever take your runs off road. The Kayano is now one of Asics best selling shoes. All in all Great Shoe.
3.Asics Nimbus 9- Just the name of the shoe makes it sound like it should be worn by Harry Potter while playing Quidditch at Hogwarts. This shoe is made for the everyday runner who does not a pronater and enjoys cushion. The shoe is very light and comfortable and is padded around the souls with electric yellow gel. I used to think that the gel was just a placebo to give the look it was very soft. Well the look is true.... very soft. The shoe gave me the bounce in my step from mile 1 to 20. The shoes fabric cover all areas with extra reinforcement around the balls of the feet where I have had problems in the past (Asics 2120). After a long run in these I felt like my legs were tired and not that my feet hurt which was a great feeling. These are definetly the shoes for me.
"No one knows what he can do until he tries."
Publius Syrus, Ancient Roman Mime
This brings me to my review of three Asics shoes out on the market now.
1. Asics GT-2120- I was hoping that the 2120 would be the same as the 2100 that I had fallen in love with, but I never got quite comfortable in them. I do not know if they were exactly built for my foot. I liked them enough to buy 2 pair and run through both of them. I think the shoe is great for someone who pronates and values stability over cushion. It seems to me that the shoe is built for the more common runner. I would run between 35-50 miles a week and found that the soles held up wonderfully, but the stitching at the base of the shoe was not strong enough for the pounding it was taking. I do not consider myself to have a wide foot nor do the shoe salespeople at the store, but this shoe made me feel I did. Also the midsole was made different than the 2100 I had grown so used to. I think this shoe is great for the casual runner or walker who is just starting to find their running style or they want something for running errands.
2. Asics Kayano- The shoe seems built for stability and people who pronate. There is extra cushion in the soul which I love. To me cushion is key. Still the shoes does not have as much cushion as I would like. I like to feel the bounce in the heel when I run and not feel after 15 miles that I am running on straight cement. The fabric around the balls of the feet is stronger than the 2120's which prevents tears. The shoe has a nice widebase which make it great if you ever take your runs off road. The Kayano is now one of Asics best selling shoes. All in all Great Shoe.
3.Asics Nimbus 9- Just the name of the shoe makes it sound like it should be worn by Harry Potter while playing Quidditch at Hogwarts. This shoe is made for the everyday runner who does not a pronater and enjoys cushion. The shoe is very light and comfortable and is padded around the souls with electric yellow gel. I used to think that the gel was just a placebo to give the look it was very soft. Well the look is true.... very soft. The shoe gave me the bounce in my step from mile 1 to 20. The shoes fabric cover all areas with extra reinforcement around the balls of the feet where I have had problems in the past (Asics 2120). After a long run in these I felt like my legs were tired and not that my feet hurt which was a great feeling. These are definetly the shoes for me.
"No one knows what he can do until he tries."
Publius Syrus, Ancient Roman Mime
Monday, June 25, 2007
Singing Sensations dazzle crowd at El Torito, Sherman Oaks
The Night: Saturday June 23rd
The Place: El Torito Sherman Oaks
The Reason: To rock the Mic
The Story: (Names have been changed or made up because I don't really know them)
Saturday night I was out with a beautiful young woman for dinner. After dinner we kicked around ideas of things to do the rest of the night. Many ideas were given but after hearing Karaoke we were set on finding the best dive Karaoke place in town. What we found could go under the term "Karaoke Gold" at El Torito, Sherman Oaks. Once we arrived we were greeted by a security guard who looked at the ID's of the men and tried to guess the age of the women. To me that method sounds a little risky, but when you have the charm or lack of abilty to speak clear English it works. As we walked in the bar and took in our surrounding we realized that we had discovered a gem. The karaoke host was none other than the lovable old James wearing his trademark thick corduroy pants and a tucked in silk shirt. He was ecstatic to see two young good looking people ready to have a good time. Other patrons of the bar included a table of big boned single Russian women, 2 single women who clearly brought there own karaoke CD's and had crushes on the host, and DRE a 500+ lb gentleman with 17 chains hanging from his hip and a chicken wing dangling from his mouth. (chicken wing had no meat on it. just the bone.) We each sang 3 songs and the audience was shocked that 2 people with that much talent and performance value would honor El Torito with their presence. Singing classics from Billy Joel to Madonna to Grease, the crowd could not get enough. For the last song of our set Mo wowed the crowd with Bon Jovi, "Dead Or Alive." With a brilliant improv with the lyrics she, "saw a million faces at El Torito and she rocked them all" and that she did. Just before our exit Carlton, the shy quiet guy who had been watching and drinking water all night, poured his heart out to the Karaoke crowd by wowing us with his rendition of "Hot in Herre." Upon hearing the song selection the lovely Mo and myself mustered up the last bit of energy we had and lit up the dance floor. After the song it was time to make our exit. The crowd seemed sad to see us go, but was appreciative of the time we shared.
Thank you El Torito, Sherman Oaks.
The Place: El Torito Sherman Oaks
The Reason: To rock the Mic
The Story: (Names have been changed or made up because I don't really know them)
Saturday night I was out with a beautiful young woman for dinner. After dinner we kicked around ideas of things to do the rest of the night. Many ideas were given but after hearing Karaoke we were set on finding the best dive Karaoke place in town. What we found could go under the term "Karaoke Gold" at El Torito, Sherman Oaks. Once we arrived we were greeted by a security guard who looked at the ID's of the men and tried to guess the age of the women. To me that method sounds a little risky, but when you have the charm or lack of abilty to speak clear English it works. As we walked in the bar and took in our surrounding we realized that we had discovered a gem. The karaoke host was none other than the lovable old James wearing his trademark thick corduroy pants and a tucked in silk shirt. He was ecstatic to see two young good looking people ready to have a good time. Other patrons of the bar included a table of big boned single Russian women, 2 single women who clearly brought there own karaoke CD's and had crushes on the host, and DRE a 500+ lb gentleman with 17 chains hanging from his hip and a chicken wing dangling from his mouth. (chicken wing had no meat on it. just the bone.) We each sang 3 songs and the audience was shocked that 2 people with that much talent and performance value would honor El Torito with their presence. Singing classics from Billy Joel to Madonna to Grease, the crowd could not get enough. For the last song of our set Mo wowed the crowd with Bon Jovi, "Dead Or Alive." With a brilliant improv with the lyrics she, "saw a million faces at El Torito and she rocked them all" and that she did. Just before our exit Carlton, the shy quiet guy who had been watching and drinking water all night, poured his heart out to the Karaoke crowd by wowing us with his rendition of "Hot in Herre." Upon hearing the song selection the lovely Mo and myself mustered up the last bit of energy we had and lit up the dance floor. After the song it was time to make our exit. The crowd seemed sad to see us go, but was appreciative of the time we shared.
Thank you El Torito, Sherman Oaks.
Friday, June 22, 2007
The Weekend
Another beautiful day in LA. I am sitting in my office thinking about what the weekend has in store and for the first time in a long time I have no obligations. It actually feels great knowing that no one is counting on me for something. I know that Sunday I will do my usual Sunday routine, wake up around 8 and go to Santa Monica and run for a couple hours. I hope to run 15 miles this weekend and bike about 30 then go home and "relax". I use "relax" loosely because it probably means doing laundry, cleaning my apt., or going out with my friends. One of my favorite things to do on Saturday mornings is go grocery shopping and eat the free samples and drink the free coffee. It is a perfect example of portion control. It is great to leave Trader Joe's feeling not hungry, have a slight coffee buzz, and a basket full of groceries. To me, that is the perfect way to kick off the weekend.
"Running is the greatest metaphor for life because you get out of it what you put into it"
Oprah Winfrey
"Running is the greatest metaphor for life because you get out of it what you put into it"
Oprah Winfrey
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Summer Solstice

Today is the first official day of summer. This means that it is the longest day of the year. I sometimes forget that summer is not all year round because of living in LA. For the past few weeks the weather has been fantastic. On a sidenote, I went to Floyd's barbershop and got my head shaved last night. It was not something I planned to do but I was riding my motorcycle home and had the idea to do it. So I did. I love doing things spur of the moment without giving much of a chance to question the cons of the idea. This morning I got up at 7am, because the sun was burning through my eyelids, and went on a quick 4 mile run. For the past couple months I decided that I don't like closing my blinds in my room because it is so refreshing to wake up to the sun rather than a painful buzzing alarm clock. I was actually planning on sleeping in today but once I stepped onto my porch and realized how beautiful and warm it was I ran to get my shoes and shorts and ran out the door. It felt so good to be able to run with my shirt off and feel the wind on my freshly buzzed scalp. There is something about the summer air and feeling that I get from the sun that always makes me happy. I have a feeling that this summer is going to be one of the best summers ever.
So with a freshly buzzed head and a skip in my step I wish everyone a great day and hope each day after gets better and better. Cheers to Summer!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
My quest to be an Ironman
I have begun my quest to be an Ironman. My goal is to complete the Ironman by the time I am 30. I am approaching my 28th birthday so I feel this is an attainable goal. I just added biking and swimming to my workout routine. Ever since my first marathon I decided that I want to challenge my physical endurance in every way possible. The best way I see to do this is by conditioning myself to be an Ironman. I have signed up for my first triathlon in September 07 , The Nautica Malibu Triathlon. I bought a new Megaboss bike. It is a Scattante CFR Comp. I had never been into biking, unless it was a bmx and I was 12, but this bike makes you feel like you are gliding. I am now going to Bootcamp 3 to 4 times a week, biking 2 twice a week, running 3 times a week including long run, and swimming once a week. I am finding that swimming is not as fun as I used to find it in my back yard. While I am doing this I can not lose sight that I also have 2 marathons in the Fall. I am planning on running both the Chicago and New York Marathon.
As for the Ironman, I am looking at entering the Wisconsin Ironman next September.
Stay tuned for more updates.
As for the Ironman, I am looking at entering the Wisconsin Ironman next September.
Stay tuned for more updates.
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