Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Week 1 Ironman Training

So I have officially committed my time, body, and mind to doing the Ironman. I am actually doing a race called Vineman. The race takes place August 2, 2008. The thought of having this long to train is both exciting and daunting. I have never trained for 10 months for anything I have ever competed in. Granted, I have never trained for an event that makes you swim 2.4 miles, bike 112 miles, then run a marathon (26.2 miles) back to back to back. I am training with Team in Training and raising money for Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. I have committed myself to raise $8,000. I believe that both physically and financially I will complete this goal with flying colors.

I have a coach and teamates through Team in Training who not only provide me with a schedule, but keep me focused on the job at hand. For my first week of training it has been fairly light. According to my training schedule Mondays and Fridays are my off days, but I am fairly crazy so I go to bootcamp on one of my off days. So Monday was bootcamp, Tuesday was light jog where I ran 6 miles, Wednesday was an hours bike ride where I rode 16.5 miles, Thursday was a coached swim practice, Friday I rested, Saturday I ran a 5k and ran after the race then hit the Gym, Sunday was a swim day.

So far I feel like a million dollars and am looking forward to the future months.

Feel free to comment.


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