Thursday, November 15, 2007


Yo! First things first. I have decided to change the race I am training for. When I first signed up for Team In Training they had advertised that we would train for the Cour De Lene, ID IRONMAN, but when I got to the info meeting they had to change the race to the VINEMAN in northern CA. I was still stoked to train for an event of the same distance. After thinking about it and doing some research I discovered that VINEMAN is not apart of the IRONMAN sanctioned races. VINEMAN does have 1 sanctioned 70.3 IRONMAN, but it is not a full course. (70.3 is half the distance of a full IRONMAN.) SO, after putting some heavy thought and research in it I decided if I am going to do this I want to finish the race and say I am a IRONMAN... not a VINEMAN. I am now officially registered to do the Louisville, KY IRONMAN on August 31, 2008. I will still be training with Team In Training and raising money for the cause. The race is only 3 weeks after the VINEMAN so I will participate in all TNT events and hopefully travel with the Team to VINEMAN to cheer them on. I am very excited about the location change because Louisville is closer to my family who has yet to see me in any endurance race and this is huge for me.

Now on to last weeks training:
Monday: I rested..... everyone needs a break.

Tuesday: I ran 5 miles in the morning. My back was a little sore, but all in all good. Night time was swim training with the team. We continued on with the drills and as hard as it was I feel like I am definitely improving. We swam for on hour. 2000 yds.

Wednesday: What a day. I got up and Biked for an hour in W. Hollywood and Beverly Hills. Not a smart decision. To many stops. I got cut off by a 10 year old on a skate board and did not have time to unclip from my pedals and fell and skinned my knees. Who skins there knees anymore????? ME! At that point I decided it was time to cut the ride short and ride back to my apartment.... bloody knees and all. I then went to my gym, LA FITNESS, and finished my ride on a stationary bike. That night I went out and bought a trainer so I can ride my bike in my living room and watch recorded episodes of Law and Order.

Thursday: Thursday night I went to my gym and swam for an hour. 2000 yds. More drills and a lot of regular swimming just focusing on form and breathing. Then I went out to dinner with Heath. Shabu Shabu and Jumbo's Clown Room. Classic.

Friday: Barry's Bootcamp in the morning. 30 minutes on the treadmill and 30 minutes of abs. AWESOME WORKOUT!

Saturday: Team Training day in Santa Monica. The morning focused on tire changes and how to do them... quick. Then we biked the San Vicente loop, 7.5 miles, 4 times with 1 pee tire change break. So 30 miles in 2 hours. Team day is fun and there a lot of great people! I officially met my TNT mentor Karen. She rules.

Sunday: Sunday was a long rough day. I went out Saturday night to see UPSTART and Dan D was up from Long Beach. Needless to say when that Long Beach crew it means great times and rough mornings. I got up at 8 after staying up till 2, maybe 3, and tried to hydrate myself. I then took off for my run at 9:30. I ran for 1 hr and 10 minutes. I put a little over 8 miles. I was hurting. I went home and had toast and peanut butter, fell asleep on the couch watching football, then got up and went to the gym to swim. I got there and swam for 30 minutes and was so tired and weak..... then I remembered I had not ate anything but toast. Not smart. It was this night that I realized I need to start eating a lot better and a lot more of the right foods. I am doing my best now, but it is tough.

Till next week. SMILE!

Louisville or Bust.

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