Wednesday, June 20, 2007

My quest to be an Ironman

I have begun my quest to be an Ironman. My goal is to complete the Ironman by the time I am 30. I am approaching my 28th birthday so I feel this is an attainable goal. I just added biking and swimming to my workout routine. Ever since my first marathon I decided that I want to challenge my physical endurance in every way possible. The best way I see to do this is by conditioning myself to be an Ironman. I have signed up for my first triathlon in September 07 , The Nautica Malibu Triathlon. I bought a new Megaboss bike. It is a Scattante CFR Comp. I had never been into biking, unless it was a bmx and I was 12, but this bike makes you feel like you are gliding. I am now going to Bootcamp 3 to 4 times a week, biking 2 twice a week, running 3 times a week including long run, and swimming once a week. I am finding that swimming is not as fun as I used to find it in my back yard. While I am doing this I can not lose sight that I also have 2 marathons in the Fall. I am planning on running both the Chicago and New York Marathon.

As for the Ironman, I am looking at entering the Wisconsin Ironman next September.
Stay tuned for more updates.

1 comment:

BethB said...

Good luck with your first tri. We've got a lot of great tips from people like Dave Scott in our athlete community. You are welcome to come join and share your training journey and discuss training goals and tips with others who are into tris.

Best of luck to you! And I hope you will find time to stop by and post!